Victory Chapel is a place where the gospel is preached, dreams actualised, and hope restored.

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  • Be careful

    He had dreams, big dreams of greatness as a child, that he would occupy a position of power and privilege with others bowing to him....

  • The ultimate goal

    Our ultimate goal in life should be to get to heaven, because no one wants to spend eternity with the devil and his angels (Mt....

  • After Prayers! What Comes Next?

    Acts 3:6-7 “Then Peter responded, “I lack silver and gold, but I give you what I have: Rise and walk in the name of Jesus...

  • Beware of Feelings

    1 Kings 19:14 “Yes,” he said “I’ve always had a strong desire to serve the Lord God Almighty. Your promise has been rejected by the...

  • Sexual Relationships in Marriage

    1 Corinthians 7:5 “Do not deprive each other of sexual connections unless both of you agree to abstain from sexual intimacy for a specified period...