1 Kings 19:14 “Yes,” he said “I’ve always had a strong desire to serve the Lord God Almighty. Your promise has been rejected by the Israelites, who have desecrated your altars and killed your prophets with the sword. I’m the last one left, and they’re attempting to murder me as well”.
Feelings have caused us more harm than good in every part of our lives. Many people prefer to block their eyes to the truth and placate their conscience with feelings rather than facts. In the dream world, emotion communicates through feelings, whereas realism communicates by established facts. Every reality has an accompanying feeling, but not every feeling has an accompanying reality. Leave the world of feelings and enter the world of reality to make an informed assessment of yourself and your situation.
Do not be fooled: feelings cannot alter reality; nevertheless, reality can alter feelings. Feelings have torn apart happy families, closest friends, and perfect relationships. Certain individuals label other witches and wizards even in the house of God based on their feelings. To acquire a genuine perspective of life, allow reality to triumph over emotion.
Elijah feels he is Israel’s sole remaining prophet in the text. His feelings compelled him to seek a means of regaining his life. He believed his emotions were genuine until they were deflated by God’s actuality. “By the way, in Israel, there are 7,000 guys who have never kissed or bowed to Baal!” (Verse 18 is an excellent illustration of this).
Make no judgments about others based on your feelings; you may be wrong. To avoid regret, justify your sentiments, regardless of how persuasive they seem. Put an end to phrases like “I feel this,” “I feel that.” It is preferable to live in accordance with reality than unending feelings of supposition. Put aside your emotions and confront facts. Be guided; truth does not negate faith, but rather empowers it to emerge.
Have a magnificent month.