What You Do Is What Defines You

1: John 3:7 “Do not be fooled, dear children; when people do the right thing, it indicates that they are righteous, just as Christ is righteous.” What you are is the consequence of your actions. Life is not an accident; it is a deliberate act. Success is a product of...

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Less focus on Enemies

Text: Nehemiah 6:3 “So I sent messengers to them, saying, “I am doing great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?” Enemies will frustrate you if you focus solely on them. To be conscious, strong, and...

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Beware of Feelings

1 Kings 19:14 “Yes,” he said “I’ve always had a strong desire to serve the Lord God Almighty. Your promise has been rejected by the Israelites, who have desecrated your altars and killed your prophets with the sword. I’m the last one left, and they’re attempting to murder me as...

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