Walking in the finished work of Christ is the key to an unbreakable life……. Many Christians shy away from a systematic study of the doctrines of the Bible. Words like Theology, Christology, Pneumatology, Anthropology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology is enough to scare anyone! Isn’t a simple faith all that any believer needs? Why get hung up with all that heavy and complicated doctrine?
For one very good reason: doctrine, by definition, is what the Bible teaches – and knowing what the Bible teaches is extremely important for growing Christians. God wants us to know what He has revealed about such things as the Church, angels, Heaven and hell, future events, marriage and the family, and many other things. That is why He gave us a Bible, not a pamphlet!
Do not let the big words scare you away. They are only a formal way of categorizing what the Bible teaches about God (theology), Christ (Christology), the Holy Spirit (pneumatology), man (anthropology), salvation (soteriology), the Church (ecclesiology), the future (eschatology), etc. Yes, the study of doctrine can get deep sometimes. But coming to understand what God has revealed in Holy Scripture means coming to know God, Himself, more and more.