Sexual Relationships in Marriage

1 Corinthians 7:5 “Do not deprive each other of sexual connections unless both of you agree to abstain from sexual intimacy for a specified period of time in order to devote more time to prayer. Following that, you should reconvene so that Satan is unable to seduce you due to your lack of self-control”.

Any marriage that is not accompanied by amicable sexual relations is incomplete. Sexual desire and need exist in both men and women. Marriage satisfies sexual desires; hence, marriage is consummated to avoid sexual immoral behaviours. If anybody wishes to avoid marriage, he or she must possess a unique capacity for self-control.

Unfortunately, marriage today does not prevent many sexual immoral behaviours; a lack of self-control enhances marital infidelity. As sexual life is an integral aspect of marriage, we should avoid spiritualizing it in order to ward from unexplained attacks on our union. Numerous couples who experimented with their sexual lives have not recovered from the consequences. Sexuality should not be sold or utilised as a tool of punishment. It is a conjugal right that all parties must uphold in order to avoid bringing the devil into the marriage.

Paul detailed the damage that unmet sexual desires may do to couples. He counselled couples to manage their sexual lives by mutual consent or understanding. We may have discrepancies in our sexual drives; with prayer, therapy, and medical attention, for example, the condition may be resolved. Despite all odds, mutual understanding plays a critical role in how sexual life is handled in marriage. While adultery may appear to be an excuse, it is never an acceptable method of managing sexual life.

Adultery, beloved, indicates moral frailty and a lack of self-control. If you maintain a healthy sexual life, you will have a healthy marriage life. Sexual intimacy in marriage helps to heal wounds and strengthens love. Without mutual consent, do not deny your spouse sex. A small amount of unspoken denial of your spouse’s sexual relationship might bring you significant anguish in the recovery process if it is still feasible. Bear in mind that anyone who assumes your duty will quickly assume your position.